Sunday, March 15, 2015

easy going

Hmmm. Life's hard. yeah. but I think we are the ones who make it hard.  I may not be the most successful, most clever, or most respected dude, but i am happy. and thats because i dont let myself get caught up in stupid stuff. most of the time ;) but i wish everyone could just stop caring of what people think of them.... i mean ya everyone judges, including myself. but if you stop caring about being judged then life gets sooo much better. amen


I do believe in ghosts. because they are real......if you dont believe me go somewhere haunted. Am i afraid of them? depends. there are good ghosts and evil ghosts. i believe that. ya'll shouldnt be scared tho. fear is a mental game that you dont have to go through. just say, im not scared and i am a beast. works for me lol


when i think of life i think of the cereal box.........i used to freaking love this cereal